20 February 2012

bila iman senipis kulit bawang

bila cakap pasal SALAH, DOSA, PAHALA..semua ada...
sama la macam saya..xpenah lepas dari dosa...even buat pahala pun, belum tentu keikhlasan kita diterima & kita pun dapat pahala kan? yelaa..manusia ni dah terbiasa dengan duniawi..kalau stakat nak show off, riak2 sket tu memang xleh lari dah..tapi semua orang xsama..so we can't easily predict people if we don't really know them..

saya pun orang kebanyakan..yang ada wat dosa..sememangnya xpernah lepas dari dosa..
kadang2 terfikir titk-titik hitam dalam hati ni bley hilang tak?  Hanya kita & Allah je tau ape yang telah kita lakukan... kan ? betul tak ? saya pun jahil orangnya...even jahil pun still try jadi yang terbaik dalam kalangan yang terbaik..mohon doa slalu di izikan tuhan...

bila cakap pasal IMAN...iman kat dada ni xpenah rasa cukup...betul la bak kata Professor Kamil, iman kita ni senipis kulit bawang, tu pun belum tentu setebal tu... *ehhh, ayt ape ni??haha tibai jerr.. :D
bila difikirkan balik..macam mana nak kembali ke jalan yang lurus tanpa dosa dan hanya pahala yang mengiringi kita?? mustahil kan?? sebab kita hanya manusia biasa..kadang2 terfikir jugak ape dosa yang saya dah ter-buat hari2 kan...tanpa sedar kalau tercakap kuat sket ngan mak bapak pun dah dikira dosa..tp kita buat xtau jer... benda ni berlaku pada diri saya sendiri jgk... ''alah ! hah! heh! dah la!'' kata2 yang dikeluarkan bila ada conversation ngn abah or mummy.. sedangkan time tu titik-titik hitam dah mula ada..bak kata pepatah sikit-sikit lama lama jadi bukit kan?? kalau ingin dikumpul dosa yang telah dibuat memang xterkira..dari dosa kecik sampailah besar..

hidup ni xberkat kalau tanpa restu ibu bapa kan? klau buat something tak bagitau pun rasa bersalah...
macam mana kalau terjadi sesuatu yang xdiingini berlaku...bila buat sesuatu dengan merahsiakan dari parents memang ape2 pun bley berlaku...Allah dah tetukan baik buruk untuk kita.

saya terfikir, kenapa lately ni banyak ujian melanda...sedih xterkata pun ada..tapi tak pe, masih terimanya dengan hati yang ikhlas sebab itu tandanya Allah masih sygkan saya...Ujian lagi menguatkan iman saya, itu tandanya iman saya masih nipis...senipis-nipis kulit bawang..even more... Allah masih beri peluang untuk membaikinya...

mak saya cakap xbaik mainkan perasaan orang..ape2 jelah...xkira ape2 pun....orang nak buat kat kita biarkan dorang..jangan kita buat kat orang or balas balik dah...

even skarang ada masalah...tp tak semestinya perlu bgtau semua kat sini kan??
rasanya xelok bukak aib orang..nanti orang akan bukak aib kita balik..
so ape-ape pun biar lah Allah je yang tau ape yang berlaku...

setakat nak ucap terima kasih dengan keikhlasan pun masih xcukup dengan ape yang diberikan oleh Allah pada kita.. betul x??

so ape2 pun bersyukur lah dengan ape yang diberikan skarang..jangan nak mengeeluh kalau tuhan tarik rezeki kita...even sikit pun...sebab dengan ape yang tuhan berikan tu lebih dari segalanya yang telah kita dapat slama hidup ni....

Lol: farhana ismail

17 February 2012


Terasa nak hapdate belog, cakap-cakap meraban ape tah...ish ! ni ha terasa nak men-story pasal sorang kwn ni ha! *sorry la bro...kau xbagi ak ckp mcm2 kan...hehehe tp sorry jgk sebab aku mmg nak meraban pasal kau nih ! :p xyah la nak risau, aku xmention pun lah nama kau ! sbb kau ni r a r e...   fyi aku nak jgk letak gambar kau, tp kau xbagi....mahal sgt la kau.. T.T tp xpela janji aku ada jerk ! hahaha handsome jugak kau eah ! ceh! xdelaaaa..maksud aku sedap pandang laaa... *perasan letteww...hew hew heww :P
dah2, meh cni cek habaq maiiiiii....cek nk crito kat ampa neh....nak habaq bak novel sket naaaa.... novel ni xseindah realitinya...kuang3 saje je ha nak wat cite ups sket ! aku mmg cenggini naaa... 

Hi! I’m Buttercup Moonbeam.  Buttercup is the name that I’d give to myself and moonbeam is for someone that has stole my heart  but I still don’t know yet who’s that Moonbeam. (*___*) *in searching! Lol~~~
It’s been a long time I didn’t write about myself.  There are many things I want to tell and touch about.  I can’t even keep it since it always linger and cross my mind each day. 
Here I am!
My name is I.
My problem is Love.
And there’s only one solution and my solution is You,
I’m sorry but that’s the truth and that’s why I Love You.. *how sweet J
The story begin.... J
Do you ever think about me?  Do you ever cry yourself to sleep?  In the middle of the night when you awake, are you calling my name? 
I started to fall for you and that was real, *wahhh! cepatnya kau FALL! ish ! crush mmg la senang ! LOL
You've made me fallen,
It is not what I want, but it suddenly happen,
Why should I have this feeling?
Yet much has left been unsaid,
I still wondering where I was, please tell me what should I do,
You never understand me, what do you know is keep close, keep close, keep close and make me fall.*mcm novel pulak ! ayt xley blah cenggini! Lol
Haiissshh... I know we’re just friends, but I’m sorry because you accidentally did..kui kui
My heart is breaking and I have no one else to turn.
I miss you to the point of death. L *xde la rindu sgt pun..saje nk ups kan cite..hahaha 
I know you might not get here, besides me but I just feel so good to write about you.
When I close to you I am afraid that someday I might to lose you.

I miss the way you talk to me, the way you are staring at me even sometime I am afraid....
How come you are the one I like most right now? Haha
It doesn’t matter, because you already made me like you *tu lah kau sape suruh ! 
 It’s okay as long as we’re still best friends.
Before this I’ve think that we should be far apart.  Don’t get me wrong because this is not what I want.
Recently I was like......
‘’ forget him, forget his name, forget the love you once knew, forget him when he played your songs, remember when you cried all night long, forget how close we were, remember he has chosen her, forget me memorized his walk, forget the way he used to talk, forget the things he used to say, remember he has gone away, forget his laugh, forget his grin, forget the way he held you tight,*even xpun! remember he close with her now, forget the time that went so fast, forget he’d said he never leave you, remember that he’s gone forever....’’
I wish dreams were like wishes because in my dream I am always with you.
 You had a special place in my heart.*xley blah gni dou ! ayt novel trus!
I know when you asked me ‘what was wrong? And I smiled and said NOTHING, but then I turn around whispered ‘it’s actually EVERYTHING.
Sometimes I may not get to see you as often I like.  I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night, but deep in my heart I truly know, you are the one that I love and I can’t let you go from me. J
It is all about me.
Every girl has that one guy that she can’t love, doesn’t love and won’t love.  Same goes to me here but every time I see him my heart skip a beat and he’s the only one who’s always in my mind but I know there is no chance, so I keep living, putting on that smile that hides my feeling, so that he won’t ever know. J
So there’s this guy, and he’s really caught my eye but we’re only friends right now and I want to be his somehow, but I’m afraid to lose him and I afraid I’ll fall, making me afraid to be with him and I’m scared he won’t catch my fall. *p/s::tolongla tangkap klau aku jatuh !boley x? haha *perasan la kau fara nak orang tangkap.. :P  Maybe someday I’m going to take a risk in doing so.  I trust him and I do know he might be break my heart someday.  But I’ve trusted him from the very start.
I am taking a chance because you never know how absolutely perfect something may turn out.. <3 J
I’ll never break our friendship just because of my silly feeling J

p/s:: sorry la kalau kau ter-baca..aku xsuruh pun... :D hahaha bak kata mummy berkawan lagi elok dari bercinta sebelum kawen... :) 

lots of love: farhana Ismail

19 June 2011

happy father's day ABAH ! heart you so much ! ♥

Abah , there's no word could utter in my mind right now..

u're so GREAT , BEST person ever in my life.
i'm so grateful to have you around me , it's so good to have you beside me all the times.

I've live with my dad, my entire life.
put up with him my entire life.

Abah , thanks for always being my HERO..
Abah memang TER-BAIKLAH utk kami (: 

sayang Abah sangat-sangat..
Doakan abah panjang umur & sihat2 selalu.

kami syg abah   sangat-sangat...

hanya Abah yang layak untuk kami.. 

thank GOD that i have a father 
like you 
Mr. Ismail Yusof..
no one could be as YOU..

lots of love::
your daughter , farhana ismail

14 June 2011


like i said, yet much has been left unsaid,
sometimes, i've been curious with my own life..
i don't know what should i plan for my life..
what should i do..
what I have done, what i've been sacrifice..
i think it's not enough yet for me to survive in life.
we can't trust other people like we trust our own self.
there's no one could be ME, just me...

lots of love::

21 May 2011

something that was NEVER expected at all (!)

It's been a long time I didn't update my blog..
A lot of things I want to tell..

  1. I have to quit from MSU, a place where I hope my ambition achieved but it was not to be.
  2. I never expect I got MARA's offer, but no matter what I had to do, I'm very grateful.  
  3. This is the dreams of my parents and thanks to GOD because HE answered their prayers. ALHAMDULILLAH.  Although I'm reluctant to leave MSU, by hook or by crook, I have to and I've no problem with that even I learned 2 semesters already.
  4. SAD is SAD.  I chocked because i was forced to leave my friends who have become like my own sisters especially my KAK NGAH & KAK CHIQ.  Person that I will miss the most.  

I missed you, to the point of death.. 

20 February 2011

are we still friends ?

what happened to us lately ?
what's wrong with you ?
are we gonna be like this again and again..
is't not enough for you..? i mean for what we've been through before ?
i know,  everything happened was my fault right ?
my fault because wanna see my own friend happy..
my fault because i don't wanna see my friend hurt because of jealousy..
i don't want it happens twice..
i'm scare if i'm the one who will burden you guys...
but i love my friends..


the first question i'm going to ask you is why you're lying to me ?
you know me right ? 
the most thing i hate in relationship is lying towards each other..
i keep it real and that is my promise..
i'm maybe cruel but at least i'm honest..
so, what's your reason if i have my own reason why i did this..
i have my own life and style..
not trying to please you or make you smile..
so u're not supposed to judge me who am i...
i rather you be honest compared to be liar..
even it's hurts me..but it doesn't matter as long as you're honest..
i still can accept this relationship..

the only way to have a friend is to be one..

a real friend to me is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out..
but i'm really sorry because you're not anymore...
you really make me pissed off  with you..feel down..
you're really hurts me..
fyi , i didn't blame you..

p/s for my ''bestie''..please mark my words

don't judge me for what my friend told you
only judge me when i really said that
i like a clown don't try to put up a show again
because at the end the only one who is going to get hurt is
''YOU not ME''
i'm good by heart and you know it
and i always stay true 
only GOD can judge me
not YOU..
my coincidence is clean..
how about YOURS ???

you don't even know how hurts i am just because of friendship..thanks... (:

lots of love :: farhana ismail 

23 January 2011

what's love (?)